Where’s My Order?

Thank you for contacting Northern Health Products regarding your order!

If you’ve been affected by the recent shortage or the disastrous opening of USPS’s newest distribution center in Palmetto GA, we would like extend our deepest apology. We understand how frustrating this has been and sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding. We are pleased to inform you that our product is now back in stock, and we have started shipping! Thank you for your continued support and loyalty.

Thank you for your patience!
The NHP Care Team

Considering Filing a Chargeback?
Please Click HERE

DMSA is back in stock!

Our latest shipment has finally been received and all orders have started shipping!
Thank you for your patience!

DCA Arriving Soon!

Our lab is working hard to finish our latest batch of DCA capsules! They hope to have it completed in the next few weeks. Check back for updates!

Considering Filing a Chargeback?
Please Click HERE